On the top right when held vertically, it has a "minus" button. If detached and turned on its side, like the other side, it has two shoulder buttons. The left Joy-Con includes an analog stick on the top of the controller, four directional buttons, and a button that can snap screenshots. This meant every system came with two Joy-Con, each with versions for the left and right sides. The successor to the Wii U was a handheld-console hybrid with integrated, detachable controllers that fit on either side of the screen called Joy-Con.
Nintendo is a risk-taker, and it took one of the biggest risks of its time within the industry with the Switch.
Poor sales cut the Wii U's life short, but it was an advancement ahead of its time that's still lauded today. You could also pair up a Pro Controller with the Gamepad or use a Wii remote, but the Gamepad was an absolute requirement. The back of the Gamepad included triggers. If you preferred, you could use a stylus with the touch screen or just use your fingers. There was a button to switch from gaming on your TV screen to the Wii U Gamepad as well. These included "Home", "TV", "Power", and also a mic.
The Gamepad featured two analog sticks on either side of a large screen as well as a directional pad, front-facing camera, four face buttons (X, A, Y, and B), "Start" and "Select" buttons, as well as a full suite of navigational buttons. You couldn't use the Wii U without its massive Gamepad, which doubled as a second screen with touch capabilities. The Wii U was another of Nintendo's most ambitious projects, and its controller was massively important for one huge reason: it was integral to the system.